2019年10月10日 星期四







2019年10月8日 星期二

《國外藏學研究集刊》 第一輯

王啟龍 主編







及至現代早期,西人東來,或傳教、或探險、或經商、或搜集情報,絡繹不絕,中國西藏終被納入全球歷史之互動中來。由此西人關於西藏的認識,不再局限于“食金蟻”之類的浪漫想像。他們開始深入到中國西藏本土,學習藏文、藏語,編寫字典、詞典,有了最早一批相對真實的關於西藏社會、歷史、宗教、文化的知識。這其中要數匈牙利人杜·喬瑪(Al-exander Cosma de Koeroes,1790-1842)為其佼佼者。由其所編纂之《藏英詞典》(Essay towards a Dictionary, Tibet and English, 1834)、《梵藏英佛教辭彙》(Sanskrit Tibetan English Vocabulary: Being an Edition and Translation of the Mahavyutpatti, 1835)、《藏文文法》(Grammar of the Tibetan Language, 1834)等及其相關著述,被視為西方藏學的發端。








編輯緣起( 1 )
王堯先生及其藏學人生………王啟龍 ( 3 )
引領我進入藏學殿堂的王堯先生………沈衛榮 ( 12 )
我記憶中的王堯老師………謝繼勝 ( 16 )
懷念恩師王堯先生………熊文彬 ( 22 )
追思王堯先生………烏雲畢力格 ( 29 )
從此無人喚我趙國人——回憶與王堯先生的交往 ……石岩剛 ( 32 )

七十年來之西藏問題(一) ……孫作朋 原著 王啟龍、楊黎浩 校訂 ( 39 )
藏文文本的生成與西藏歷史敍事的創建……沈衛榮 侯浩然 ( 69 )
當代美國藏學研究評論——以洛培茲為例……杜永彬 ( 86 )
法國探險家彌皋對於康藏地區的科學考察……耿 昇 (107)

金城公主與“七七齋”習俗傳入西藏… 趙曉星 (121)
Cog ro 源流考:以莊浪地名沿革與吐蕃屬盧氏家族史考證為中心…魏 文 (131)
論宋代河湟地區的佛教………張雖旺 (146)
唃廝囉主政時期河湟吐蕃與西夏關係考述 ……魏玉貴(才讓紮西) (167)
謙遜的供養人與菩薩王者——16 至19 世紀內陸亞洲藏傳佛教繪畫俗家信眾畫像研究
…沙怡然 著 郭麗平 譯 (179)
《漢藏史集》中的漢藏關係史料輯考… …陰海燕 (203)
《真禪內印頓證虛凝法界金剛智經》寫繪風格探析… …閆 雪 (220)
“大金喇嘛法師寶記”滿文碑文補證… …石岩剛 (228)
噶瑪噶舉黑帽四世若貝多傑與他的巨幅唐卡…謝光典 (231)
論宗教文化的相對單一性對藏族的心理影響(上)… ……王啟龍 向龍飛 (238)
西藏文化現代化是歷史的必然……格 勒 (260)

早期藏傳佛教文獻與藝術中的兜率天情節… 克利斯蒂安·盧恰尼茨(Christian Luczanits) 著 廖暘 譯 (271)
玄奘時期中國及柬埔寨的密教傳播者——那提…… 林藜光 著 李雨璿 譯 (305)
吐蕃時期“苯”作為宗教存在的早期證據…… 桑木旦·噶爾梅(Samten G. Karmay) 著 曾麗容 譯 (318)
俄羅斯科學院東方文獻研究所藏古藏文寫卷中的一件密教儀軌文獻………… 亞歷山大·佐林(Alexander Zorin) 著 操林英 譯 (331)
王堯先生論著目錄…… 任小波 初編 中國藏學研究中心 更新 (344)

作者名錄……… (359)

2019年10月4日 星期五

A Colloquial Manchu Grammar

作者: Eung-jin Baek
出版社: 한림대학교출판부 Hallym University Press
出版年: 2012-3-27 
頁數: 376
定價: ₩40000
ISBN: 9788964020227ISBN : 978-89-6402-022-7
DOI : 10.7128/9788964020227

The aim of this book is to provide a comprehensive description of the Manchu language reflected in the Cheongeonogeoldae Sinseok(
清語老乞大新釋), which was published in Korea in 1765. The Cheongeonogeoldae Sinseok shows two different writing systems: the Uighur script and the Korean alphabet. The Manchu language written in the Uighur alphabet shows the same Written Manchu language as in the Tongki Fuka Sindaha Hergen i Dangse, ‘the Secret Chronicles of the Manchu Dynasty (1607-1637)'. On the other hand, the Manchu language transliterated in the Korean alphabet shows the pronunciations of the eighteenth century. The Cheongeonogeoldae Sinseok was a conversational textbook for Koreans, and the text consists of conversations in everyday life between speakers and addressees. The author does not have the slightest doubt about the fact that the Manchu language transliterated in the Korean alphabet was a colloquial language spoken in the eighteenth century.

This grammar describes not only grammatical features but also the actual use of these features, and the author investigates the patterns of structure and their use in a data-intensive way. The approach here is descriptive rather than theoretical, and an attempt is made to provide a comprehensive characterization of grammatical phenomena in Manchu. The author uses the term grammatical feature as a general cover for anything that recurs in the text which can be given a linguistic description. Grammatical features include word classes, such as classified in traditional Manchu grammar; morphological features of major word classes; structural functional elements, such as predicates, subjects, objects, predicatives, adjectivals and adverbials; phrasal and clausal categories, such as noun phrases and dependent clauses; and other structural distinctions, such as tense, aspect and modality.

In Chapter 1, the sound system of the Cheongeonogeoldae Sinseok is described. The differences in the sound system between Seventeenth-century Written Manchu and Eighteenth-century Colloquial Manchu are identified. A sound system of Eighteenth-century Manchu is proposed, and then its developments into Modern Manchu are elaborated. Particularly, the sound system of Eighteenth- century Manchu is compared with the sound system in Kōno(1944) and the sound system in Li·Zhong·Wang(1984) and Yamamoto(1969). It is shown that Eighteenth-century Manchu is systematically well preserved in the Modern Sibe (or Xibe) language spoken in the Province of Xinjiang.

In Chapter 2, lexical words in the Cheongeonogeoldae Sinseok are classified into ten classes: nouns, pronouns, numerals, adjectives, verbs, postpositions, adverbs, conjunctions, sentence-final particles, and interjections. The uses of these lexical words are explained. In addition, the Chinese loan words which appear in the Cheongeonogeoldae Sinseok are described from a phonological point of view.

Chapter 3 presents derivational and inflectional morphology. In the section of derivational morphology, derivations of major lexical words are described. Inflectional morphology is divided into noun morphology and verb morphology. All the noun particles and verb suffixes which appear in the text of the Cheongeonogeoldae Sinseok are identified and their uses are elaborated.

Chapter 4 provides detailed descriptions of the major structural elements and patterns, such as ‘subject’, ‘object’, and ‘predicate’, phrasal and clausal categories, such as ‘noun phrases’, ‘nominals’, ‘adjectivals’ and ‘adverbials’, and other structural distinctions, such as ‘tense’, ‘aspect’ and ‘modality’. The descriptive framework of this grammar closely follows Douglas Biber et al, Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English(Longman, 1999); particularly, the notions of predicate, predicative and complement are applied to Manchu. On the other hand, the description of tense, aspect and modality is based on the descriptive framework in Bernard Comrie, Aspect (Cambiridge University Press, 1978) and F. R. Palmer, Mood and Modality(Cambridge University Press, 1986).

In this book, the romanization system of Möllendorff(1892) is used to transliterate the Written Manchu language, the writing system of which was devised on the basis of the Classical Mongolian Uighur script at the turn of the sixteenth century and remained unchanged during the Qing dynasty. As far as the romanization is concerned, there seems to be no difference between Written Manchu and Eighteenth-century Manchu, except for the vowel changes in the Cheongeonogeoldae, which are indicated in italics. The meanings of the examples cited here are translated into English in Chapter 1, but in the remaining chapters the original Korean translations are cited intact with their English translations. The first number before a hyphen in an example indicates the volume of the Cheongeonogeoldae Sinseok and the second number after a hyphen indicates the sheet of each volume.

Eung-Jin Baek is Professor Emeritus in the Department of East Asian Studies, University of Toronto. He is a past president of the International Circle of Korean Linguistics (1986-88) and the Association for Korean Studies in Canada (1992-96). His numerous publications include Modern Korean Syntax (1984), Nogeoldae (1997). Korean Historical Phonology (1999), Characteristic Features of Eighteenth-century Manchu (2005), and Geneological Relationships of the Tungusic Languages in China (2006).
