Date: 15 February 2010Time: 9:15 AM
Finishes: 17 February 2010Time: 5:30 PM
Venue: Russell Square: College BuildingsRoom: 116
Type of Event: Colloquium
Monday, 15/02/10
09:45 Panel 1: ‘Language, Literature, Identity’
■Pär Cassel (Univ. Michigan): “The Wade-Giles system’s Manchu roots”
■Pamela Crossley (Dartmouth College, Hanover/US): “Questions about ni- and nikan”
■Guan Xinqiu 關辛秋 (China Nationalities University 中央民族大學): “Manchu Language Life: How did Manchus learn their own language from the Yongzheng to the Guangxu reign periods?”
■Erling v. Mende (FU Berlin): “When did the Manchu language disappear – or did it?”
■Max Oidtmann (Harvard Univ.): “Manchu/Sibe language historical memoir literature in Xinjiang from the 1940s through the 1980s”
■Giovanni Stary (Univ. Venice): “Manchu-Chinese bilingual compositions and their verse technique”
■David Holm (Melbourne Univ.): “Manchu Ethnosyntax”
14:00 Panel 2: ‘Early Qing’
■Matthew Mosca (Hong Kong Univ.): “Manchus and the Propagation of Frontier Knowledge in China”
■Adam Bohnet (University of British Columbia): “Bujantai and the Choson State”
■Kicengge 承志 (Research Institute for Humanity and Nature 總合地球環境學研究所, Kyoto): The Manchu language ‘Ula region map’
■Borjigidai Oyunbilig 烏雲畢力格 (People's University 中國人民大學, Beijing): “內齊托音、錫埓圖庫倫旗與崇德、順治朝廷” (The Neici lama and the Kulun lama banner during the early Qing period)
■Peter Chen-main Wang王成勉 (National Central Univ., Taibei), "The Significance of Sacrifice in early Manchu Documents: A study of the Manchu Records of the Palace Historiographic Academy".
Tuesday, 16/02/2010
09:30 Panel 3: ‘Knowledge transfer in science and geography’
■Niu Guanjie 牛貫杰 (People's University 人大, Beijing): “Manchu Movement for Universal Literacy, Qianlong period”
■Laura Hostetler (University of Illinois, Chicago): “Maps produced during the Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong periods”
■Daniela Dumbrava (Pont. Ist. Orientale, Rome): “Seventeenth-century Tsarist maps and travel description of eastern Siberia”
■Davor Antonucci (Rome University): "The Jesuit Contribution to the Knowledge of Tartary"
■Catherine Jami (CNRS, Paris/Cambridge): "Imperial science written in Manchu in early Qing China: does it matter?"
■He Yu 何瑜 and Cheng Guangyuan 程廣媛 (People's University 人大, Beijing): “晚清滿族大學士研究” (Research on Manchurian scholars during the late Qing)
Wednesday, 17/02/2010
09:00 Panel 4: ‘Imperial management’
■Gao Wangling高王凌 (People's University 人大, Beijing): “清朝統治的異質性” (The heterogenous nature of early Qing rule)
■Liu Wenpeng 劉文鵬 (People's University 人大, Beijing): “The Postal System and the Imperial Security of the Qing”
■Zhang Li 張莉 (First Historical Archives 一史館, Beijing): “清廷秩祀岱宗及對北京東嶽廟 的管理”(Qing court ritual and the administration of the Dongyue temple in Beijing)
10:25 Panel 5: ‘Manchu religion and Qing religious politics’
■Lars Laamann 勞曼 (SOAS): “The policies and politics of religion of the early Qing”
■Ekaterina Zavidovskaya (People's University 人大, Beijing): “中國人的宗教概念” (Religious concepts in China, presented by Gao Wangling)
■Hasbaatar 哈斯巴特爾 (University of Heilongjiang, Harbin): “薩滿稱謂及概念的來源” (Manchu shamanism: Conceptual origins and etymology)
■Zhao Aping 趙阿平 (Heilongjiang Univ., Harbin): “滿族語言與薩滿文化” (Manchu language and shamanic culture)
■Nakami Tatsuo中見立夫 (Tokyo Univ. of Foreign Studies, 東京外國語大學): “Some remarks on the Manchu tripitaka”
■Andreas Siegl (University of Munich): “Manchu documents concerning the crisis of the 5th Dalai Lama's succession”
■Martin Gimm (Prof. emeritus, Univ. of Cologne): “The secret Manchu documents on the trial of the German Jesuit missionary Adam Schall (1592-1666)”
■Hartmut Walravens (FU Berlin): “Christian Literature of the Manchus”
■Loretta Kim (SUNY, Albany): “Saints for shamans? Culture, religion and borderland politics in Qing Amuria”
■Lü Ping 呂萍 (Changchun Normal Univ. 長春師範學院): “吉林九台石克忒力哈拉 薩滿文化遺存研究” (Research on the vestiges of shamanic culture in Jilin)
■Zhao Zhizhong 趙志忠 (China Nationalities University 中央民族大學): “滿族薩滿神歌研究” (New studies on shamanic incantations)
■Zhou Xifeng 周喜峰 (Heilongjiang Univ.): “清代黑龍江少數民族的薩滿教信仰” (Shamanic beliefs amongst the populations of the Heilongjiang region during the Qing period)
■Veronika Zikmundová (Charles Univ., Prague): “Connections between Sibe and Khorchin Mongol shamanic traditions”