2019年6月25日 星期二


科學出版社,  2017

文本批判中發現歷史真相——慶祝魏彌賢教授80華誕 烏雲畢力格(i
魏彌賢教授論著目錄 烏雲畢力格(1
從新疆鄯善縣洋海墓地出土木質火鉢探討火崇拜與拜火教的關係 李肖 馬麗萍(23
再議新疆吐魯番出土秦王鏡”  劉志佳(35
新疆出土垂直焊接雙環耳飾的研究  林鈴梅(57
古代青金石的定名與清朝皇室青金石、催生石來源及使用之探討 張永江(79
《聖彼德堡梵德大辭典》前言  劉 震(95
Some Notes on the Sanskrit Fragments of the Ajataatrukauk tyavinodana in the Schyen Collection and Their Extant Parallels  Wu Juan(吴娟)(109
《善說集》(Subhitasagraha)文本概述——Bendall編校本與新見尼泊爾梵文寫本爲中心  陸辰葉(147
從《心經》音譯本及其他文獻看梵文ja的發音  李建強(157
故宮藏西夏文《高王觀世音經》考釋   孫伯君(165
西夏文《聖金剛能斷至勝慧彼岸大經顯理燈炬記》初探  李夢溪(183
清代禁書運動對蒙古語文獻的影響——以《登壇必究》之《北虜譯語》爲例 布日古德(201
《雲使》在蒙古   薩其仁貴(215
捨身飼虎本生的文本和圖像研究——兼論德國佛教藝術史研究方法  孟瑜(229
一個成功的誤解?——西藏博物館所藏《噶瑪巴爲明太祖薦福圖》再考 姚霜(241
A Dream of the Emperor and the Translation of a Buddhist Scripture   Hanmo   Zhang(張翰墨)(263
後藏地區金剛界曼荼羅的傳播路徑之重構——以後弘初期爲中心   阮麗(309
和尚之教在西藏——以寧瑪派對摩訶衍及其教法的詮釋、辯護與批判爲例   楊杰(335
他空見詮釋的出發點——論朵波巴·攝囉監燦班藏布之二諦見   石美(367
蘇卡悉地研究   索朗卓瑪(377
談白一平沙加爾上古音体系的幾個問題  高永安(391
《上古漢語:構擬新論》音義關係指誤  雷瑭洵(397
白一平、沙加爾《上古漢語:構擬新論》若干例證商榷——兼談對西方學術評價的反思   向筱路(409
從上古文獻看白一平沙加爾上古音構擬  趙團員(421
曹議金東征甘州回鶻史事證補——浙敦114 號《肅州府主致沙州令公書狀》譯釋  任小波(433
Жаруудынсэл гарлын тухай   Боржигдай Оюунбилэг443
The Influence of Mongol Law during the Yuan Dynasty  Florence Hodous457
馬可 波羅與蒙古法:擴大文明的範圍,縮小野蠻的範圍  Florence Hodous 撰;高宇 趙佰悅 譯;馬曉林 校(469
《皇輿全覽圖》東北大地測繪考——以滿文檔案爲中心  承志(479
新見三封明廷賜封西番剌麻勑諭及其考釋  沈衛榮(519
清代後期内モンゴル ハラチン地域におけるアルバン タリヤについて  包呼和木其爾(533
西域察合台文史籍中阿闌豁阿感光而孕故事   特爾巴衣爾(549
五族共和在邊疆的實踐——基於綏遠五族學院的考察   樊志強(557
民國北京政府時期察哈爾的土地開墾與設治述略   蘇日朦(569
《西域歷史語言研究集刊》第十輯作者名錄 585

Foreword Borjigidai Oyunbiligi
Michael Weiers-Bibliography Compiled by Borjigidai Oyunbilig1
Zoroastrianism and Fire Worship Li Xiω& Ma Liping23
Reconsideration of the "Qin Wang Mirror" unearthed from Turfan Xiniang Liu Zhijia35
Study of Earrings with Two Vitically Welded Looms Found in njiang Lin Lingmei57
Discussion on the Name ofAncient Lapis Lazu1i, the Lapis Lazuli and Hasritian Stone's Source and Usage ofthe Roya1 Household in Qing Dynasty Zhang Yongjiang79
The Preface of "Grobes Petersbur Werbuch". Liu Zhen95
Some Notes the SandaitFraents of the;iitaiatrukaukrt Ya Vinonain the Schoyen Collection and Wu Juan109
An Oview ofthe Suhhaitas Qlgraha:Based on Bendall's Edition and a New Sanskrit Manuscript Lu Chenye147
On the Pronunciation of Sanskrit edon the Trans iptiona1 Material of hrdaya sutra and Others Li Jianqiang157
Textura1 Research on the Tangut Version of Gaowang Guanshiyin Jing preservedle Palace Museum ofBeijing Sun Bojun165
A Primary Study on a TanCommanIry of the Diamond Sutra183
The In1luences of the Book-Banning Movement on Mongolian Docuents in Qing Dynsty: A Comparave Study on the Edition of a Sino-Mongol Glossary Known as201
Meghadiita in Mongolia215
On Texts and lmages ofthe Tigress Story-Using German Research Methodology of Buddhist Arts History Meng Yu229
A Successfu1 Misunderstanding : A Reexamination of the Pairrg Collection Miracles in Tibet Museumy Shuang241
A Dream of the Emperor and the Translation of a Buddhist Scripture Hanmo Zhang263
Re-mapping the Historical Dissemination of Vajrala Iconography in Central Ruan Li309
Defenses and Criticisms of Hwa-shang Mahāyāna and His Teachings Yang Jie335
The Starting Point of the Interpretation of Zhan stong View: the Satya-dvaya thought of Dol po pa shes rab rgyan mtshan Shi Mei367
A Brief Study of Sukhasiddhi Sonam Drolma377
Note on Baxter- Sagart’ Reconstruction of old Chinese Phonology Gao Yong’an391
The Phonetic-Semantic Relation Errors in Old Chinese: A New Reconstruction Lei Tangxun397
A Discussion about Several Evidences in Old Chinese: A New Reconstruction-Also Rethinking the Western Academic Evaluation Xiang Xiaolu409
Critical Remarks on the Reconstruction of Old Chinese by Baxter and Sagart Zhao Tuanyuan421
New Evidence on the History of Cao Yijin’s Conquest of Ganzhou Uighurs:A Study on Tibetan Manuscript Zhejiang 114 from Dunhuang, the Official Letter from Suzhou Fuzhu to Shazhou Linggong Ren Xiaobo433
A Study on the Origin of Jarud  Borjigidai Oyunbilig443
The Influence of Mongol Law during the Yuan Dynasty Florence Hodous457
Marco Polo and Mongol Law: Pushing Further the Limits of Barbarity Florence Hodous469
Land Surveys in the Northeast for the “Huangyu quanlan tu”Cheng zhiKicengge)(479
Three Newly Discovered Ming Edicts to Tibetan Lamas: Text and Interpretation Shen Weirong519
Studies on Alba’s Farm Landalban tariy-a in Kharchin Banner during the Late Qing Period Borjigin Huhmuchir533
Research on Alan Goa’s Giving Birth thanks to a Ray of Light in the Historical Writings in Chaghatai Torubayar549
Harmony among Five Nations in Frontier RegionBased on the Research of Suiyuan Five Nations College Fan Zhiqiang557
Studies on the Land Reclamation and Establishment of New Administrative Units in Chakhar during the Peking Government of Republican China Surimeng569
List of Contributors585

